Gratitude Beyond Thanksgiving




  1. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

  2. "she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support"

As we finish out #nationalgratitudemonth and the Thanksgiving season of actively and publicly showing thanks, I invite you to consider that the most impactful gratitude extends beyond the holiday and into our daily lives. Studies show that being grateful has psychological effects that contribute to happiness. Researchers even found that the mental health benefits still existed even if the gratitude wasn't expressed outwardly to someone else. Read more on studies from Harvard here.

Wow! Isn't this great news? We can enhance our mental health simply by being grateful. Whether it's a daily practice of note taking, a shared conversation with a friend or spouse, prayer, an intention set in yoga class, or being internally mindful of your blessings, the benefits are profound.

In yoga philosophy, you may hear of the 8-Limbs of Yoga, which are essentially a guide to living a balanced and ethical life on and off your yoga mat. These are broken down into the Yamas, ways in which you can be kind to others, and Niyamas, ways in which you can be kind to yourself. Santosha is the second of the Niyamas, and it roughly translates as 'contentment.'

When I explain this to kids in kids yoga, I have them say out loud "I am OK with what I have.' How often can we honestly say that we feel that way? We long after that cool car our neighbor has, the haircut that our friend showed off on Facebook, or the newest Apple device that we really don't need and yet, what we have is usually more than enough. We can apply this to 'things' easily, but we can also include our bodies, relationships, career, and the present moment. When we learn to be content with what we already have, something changes in our brain and we become happier.

Today, I encourage you to write down three things you are grateful for, then consider making it a daily practice. (When I asked the kids in kids yoga to do this, they couldn't keep it to just three... kids are exploding with gratitude, even if they don't show it to you parents) Just like yoga, gratitude is a daily practice that requires cultivating and inspires growth in us.

We hope that you are encouraged and inspired toward gratitude when you visit Fit2Shine Studio and that you know just how much YOU are valued. We are grateful for YOU!




  1. a state of happiness and satisfaction.

  2. "he found contentment in living a simple life in the country"

Kelly Jarvis