COVID-19 Studio Protocol

Updated 12/21/21


As the cases of COVID-19 begin to spike again, we continue to be mindful of specific protocol to keep our students safe. These practices allow for disinfecting and social distancing. Thank you for reading these and following these as you visit our studio.

  • Limited class sizes. No more than ten people in each class.

  • Pre-registration for classes required. No walk-ins.

  • Sanitation practices that include using wipes and cleaning floors regularly

  • Props are sanitized between each class when in use.

  • One person to the restroom at a time. Limited crossing of students when walking around the studio.

  • Masks will be worn at all times when entering and walking around the studio. Not necessary within your own yoga or CYCLE space.

As many of you know, we are always concerned about the cleanliness of the studio, and an air purifier has been purchased to help with the cleanliness of the air as well.

We will also continue to have strategically placed wipes around the studio so that you'll always have access to wipe down for your comfort level. If you have any questions about where to find them, please don't hesitate to ask your instructor or a representative of the studio. You may continue to wear your mask at all times in the studio if that feels most comfortable for you.

As always, we'd ask that if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 (or anything else for that matter), stay home and recover so that you don't spread germs within the studio. It's good for your body and for others!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.