Finding YOUR best way to approach shapes (postures/poses) in yoga class can be challenging, whether you are a novice yogi or have a deep yoga practice. We often think there's only one way to 'do a shape.' Guess what? There's not! Each shape has many variations.
During this two-hour workshop, Melissa will work with students on approaching fundamental, challenging shapes in multiple ways: using blocks, straps, blankets, and the wall. This workshop will offer each student several options to find the best approach for their individual body.
Students will leave this class with an understanding of how they can feel the maximum impact of each shape in the way that works best for them.
Our shared class will close with a relaxing extended Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep).
Join Melissa on December 21st from 12-2 for this wonderful workshop accessible to ALL levels of yogis!
Date: 12/21
Time: 12-2 PM
Cost: $25/student
Sign up soon! This class is limited to 10 students.
Register here: