THANK YOU to all the amazing healthcare professionals working every day to keep us safe. We’re SO grateful. Here are a few things you can do to help keep your body prepared for your shift and alleviate your ‘COVID-neck.’ Some are very quick that you can do on your phone during your shift and some may require a little more time and being able to lay down. There are labeled as such. We hope they help.
We love you and are so grateful for your dedication!
5.5 minutes- Simple neck stretches you can do standing anywhere. - Click here.
4.5 minutes - Myofascial release techniques for neck and shoulders using therapy balls. Must be able to lay down. Grab any kind of ball you may have around - tennis, lacrosse, or yoga therapy balls. - Click here.
20 minutes - Yoga for neck and shoulder strain. Need to be able to sit or lay down. -Click here.